What is infant and early childhood mental health?
Our certificate students will receive their training in accordance with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health competencies. Zero to Three defines Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health as, “the developing capacity of the child from birth to 5 years old to form close and secure adult and peer relationships; experience, manage, and express a full range of emotions; and explore the environment and learn—all in the context of family, community, and culture. Experts from a range of disciplines consider IECMH to be the foundation of healthy, lifelong development. IECMH is also a term used to describe the full continuum of services and supports (i.e., promotion, prevention, and treatment) necessary to promote healthy development, prevent mental health problems, and treat mental health disorders.” (Zero To Three, 2017).
How can I obtain a certificate in infant and early childhood mental health at the University of Utah?
The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate is a 21credit hour program
focusing on the following 6 components:
- Foundations in infant and early childhood mental health
- Development and psychopathology in infancy and early childhood
- Caregiver-infant observation
- Education, prevention, and intervention in infancy and early childhood
- Children and relationships across cultures
- Capstone project/Field Experience
Please see the certificate requirements page for detailed information about these requirements.
To apply to the certificate, please visit the application page.
What can I do with a certificate in infant and early childhood mental health?
A key component of this certificate is practical training with our community partners so that, upon graduation, you will be a competitive candidate for a number of positions. These positions include early intervention specialists, early childhood mental health consultants, child life specialists, behavioral support specialists, home visitors, and day care and preschool educators. Some of these positions, such as preschool educators or special education teachers, will require additional training. However, we expect you will be quite competitive for these educational programs given the strong background you will have in the field of infant and early childhood mental health.